The quest for a great stag in France!
Hunting world class red stags in France
Hunted for centuries in Europe, red deer has always had a particular importance for hunters.
As a young French hunter, the red stag was always my favourite animal to observe, photograph and hunt. I had the chance to take 2 on driven hunting but never on stalking… It is one of my biggest hunting dreams, and it has just started now, on Saturday, September 23rd.
Slow start
The hunt starts at 7 a.m., with a beautiful sunrise but a little morning dew! The red stag rut has been on for two weeks now, and a few minutes after we started, we already have roars all around the forest.

I am looking for a mature red stag that I have known for a few years now, having the chance to take some photos of it last year and having it on trailcams. It is really a fantastic stag, with massive antlers! This stag is my main objective as I know the animals well on this territory. I have been hunting here since I was 10 and now 25 on the day of this wonderful adventure. The first day was tough, with the heat coming up rapidly. We saw a few stags but not “the one”. In my mind, I know the animal quality on this ground, so I am ready to take any other opportunity for a great one that, maybe, I didn’t ever see during my time spent in the area…

Too smart for me?
In the afternoon, I got some good opportunities on wild boars, but that was not the game I was looking for, so I wanted to keep my focus on the stag. Hinds and fawns were all over the forest. My eyes were searching for a stag close by… and I found one! The stalk began, but after few meters, I knew that it was not him. I kept trying to stalk him as a bit of training as it was “the one”. The forest is on its typical autumn colours, which give a magical touch to those hunting moments… The sun was now down, and 17.7 km of walking for this first day was not enough to see the big stag I was looking for.

Game on!
It is a foggy morning, and the roars are way louder than yesterday. I start my hunting day just before the light shows up, and those scenes will stay in my mind forever. The quest is on, and after half an hour of walking, “The One” is here, 150 meters in front of me. I can only see him from behind, so taking the shot in this situation is impossible. He is with 3 others, so I need to be careful… The wind turns, and the 4 stags scent me. They fled away but not at full speed, without a clue about where I was. I waited for 10 minutes before going after them, and 1 hour later, I was able to spot them again. This time, it is broadside at 250m but still in the middle of the herd. It is too risky to take the shot now, so I patiently wait… The winds turn again, and this time, they spot me before running away! It is 10 a.m., so I decided to stop here for this morning, having (unfortunately) disturbed the herd…
Still some hope?
New start at 4 p.m. after a lengthy lunch break to let the pressure coming in the forest. Nothing to report for 2 hours, and I am now approaching a big field… I suddenly spot some ears in the tall yellow grass, and I stop. Having the binos on my eyes, I could see that the 2 first ears were not alone. Around 15 hinds and fawns were lying in the sun in the field, but no stag yet. My young hunting experience tells me to patiently wait. We are in the middle of the red stag rut, so it should be strange to have no stags around. 10 minutes later, a giant stag bellow echoes in the forest, and I suddenly see him getting up. I was amazed at the first sight of this animal; it really was a giant. Binoculars on the eyes and no movement at all, just analyzing the animal. It looks mature, at the top on both body and trophy, a dream stag! I quickly take my decision that I will stalk him as it is probably my last chance of the day and the biggest one yet! As he comes below me, the whole herd gets up and looks, scanning all the surroundings. The big stag is fighting young contenders that come into the field. I wait for 20 minutes without moving, and I take advantage of a moment when the stag has moved away from the herd to get into position…
Dreams can come true!
The herd doesn’t move at all, and I am now looking in the scope. Suddenly, the antlers appear over the high grass, and the stag is now walking straight towards me. He stops in my scope, but one hind passes him by, then one behind, and now the line is free. I do a small whistle, and this wonderful stag stops and looks at me. It is now or never, and I slowly squeeze the trigger… The shot is fired, and I can see the stag fall in the scope. The dream has come true after a dream situation and a perfect shot. 124 meters of flight for the bullet before it instantly drops the big animal.

I fell into tears the second I unloaded the rifle, knowing that what I always wanted to do had just happened.

I take some time to appreciate the moment and let the forest calm down again. I cut a branch as the traditional and ethical “last bite” to honour this fantastic animal. It is a mature stag, probably around 10 years, 200 kilograms bodyweight and 20 points. I am amazed by this scene and enjoy every minute of it. The light is coming down quickly, so I am taking as many pictures as possible. With the full moon night, it looks like a dream, and it gives me the opportunity to have an unforgettable shot with the camera. Having the chance to fulfil your dreams is really something special!

About the author
Alexandre has been a passionate hunter since the age of 6 when he began accompanying his father. Today, he hunts mainly big game in France but travels regularly looking for new adventures! Wanting to share and pass on his vision of hunting, Alexandre now makes videos of his hunting adventures on his YouTube channel: TheHuntingAlex.